

Boheme Torino 2021

This Bohème is my second production of this title at the Teatro Regio in Turin, after the success in 2016 with the production signed by La Fura dels Baus I have the great pleasure of singing Marcello again in this new production signed by the couple Paolo Gavazzeni and Piero Maranghi on scenes by Leila Fteita and costumes by Nicoletta Ceccolini.
The classic setting faithfully inspired by the original Ricordi sketches dating back to the world premiere of Puccini’s masterpiece, offer us the opportunity to interpret the characters in their most congenial environment. However, the anti Covid regulations in force impose an almost exasperated respect for social distancing, despite this the show will be very intense and true. The love, friendship, suffering and every other great feeling that arise from this group of real guys, overrides the obligations related to the terrible period we are experiencing and will bring into your homes two hours of music and emotions really full of energy and almost forgotten magic after a year of almost total closure of the Italian opera world.
This production, conducted by the great Maestro Daniel Oren and sung by a group of young and very close-knit artists, celebrates in the best possible way the 125th anniversary of the world premiere of La Bohème at the Teatro Regio in Turin on February 1, 1896.

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